May You be healed !
Heal your Finances!
By removing the blocks, links and obstacles which we are not aware of and prevent our business to run as smoothly as we would like it to, we are able to restore balance easily and make profit like we have never thought before.
Your business doesn’t need to be in a bad condition to apply business healing. Business healing can also make your business run much faster and more productive than what it is right now. In fact if your business’s energy centers are treated, balance and empowered, it will bring you tons of profit, prosperity and abundance continuously.
Our Business is like our child; and exactly like a child it has its moments of joy, happiness and pride and in some cases disappointment. It will have the day it will speak its first word, and the day that it begins to walk. There will be a day when it will go to school and eventually a day when it becomes independent. But along the way it requires a great deal of patience.
Our business in fact has many sides. Many sides that we know and are aware of, and many sides that are perhaps invisible to us. Some parts that the skills and techniques required to understand and run them are given, and some parts that have been kept secret and in history have been revealed only to a few.
By understanding how our business works completely, we can control it and guide it so that it reaches the highest possible point. We can schedule it, mold it and expand it only if we know all the aspects that affect it…