What is Pranic Healing?

Pranic Healing is a no-touch energy healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. It utilises ‘energy’, called ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan, to accelerate the body’s inborn ability to heal itself.

How does Pranic Healing work?

Pranic Healing is used to correct imbalances in the body’s energy field. This life force can also be regarded as universal energy, not the healer’s energy. Trained Pranic Healers access and transmit universal energy to the patient for improving their health, as well as for treating specific diseases and conditions

Can we continue with medical treatment while taking Pranic Healing?

Yes. Pranic Healing works on the energy body and aims at balancing the energy processes of the body while the orthodox medicine deals with healing of the physical body. Therefore Pranic Healing not only does not interfere but also best complements the medical treatment. In Pranic Healing we believe in an integrated approach to healing. This means that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine rather to complement it. So if the ailment is severe or the symptoms persist, you are highly encouraged to consult a medical doctor along with Pranic Healing therapy.

How long should Pranic Healing be done for?

The frequency and duration of Pranic Healing treatments differ from case to case. For simple and minor ailments the healing can be instantaneous or may take a few minutes, a few hours or a few days. For chronic and severe case however, the healing is progressive. Therefore the treatments in most of the cases should be applied three days in a week for a few weeks or a few months.

Can Pranic Healing really heal my condition?

Pranic Healing helps to provide more healthy ‘prana’ or energy to the patient’s body to restore the body’s balance, and improve its energy to fight against illnesses.

No promises can be made about the outcome of the use of Pranic Healing (or any other healing system). It all depends on you, your intent, your background and the nature of your problem. Pranic Healing is a different experience and has different effects on every individual.

How does Pranic Healing feel like?

A Pranic Healing session is a unique experience for everyone, but you may feel certain sensations when receiving ‘prana’ or energy. Common sensations are tingling, heat, pulsing, just to name a few. Some people feel no sensation of any kind at all. Sensations, or the absence of it, simply relate to the person’s sensitivity to energy. ‘Prana’ flows regardless of whether you feel it or not.

Can we continue with medical treatment while taking Pranic Healing?

Yes. Pranic Healing works on the energy body and aims at balancing the energy processes of the body while the orthodox medicine deals with healing of the physical body. Therefore Pranic Healing not only does not interfere but also best complements the medical treatment. In Pranic Healing we believe in an integrated approach to healing. This means that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine rather to complement it. So if the ailment is severe or the symptoms persist, you are highly encouraged to consult a medical doctor along with Pranic Healing therapy.

Can Pranic Healing be practiced at a distance?

Pranic Healing teaches how to heal others from a distance. Long distance healing is based on the fact that we are all connected to each other through the earth’s energy field. In addition, wherever our thoughts are directed with intention, energy follows. By practicing the pranic healing techniques combined with our focus upon a loved one, we can effect a healing from afar.

Can Pranic Healing be used for emotional problems?

Pranic Healing applied to emotional problems is called Pranic Psychotherapy. Again it is the utilization of prana to cleanse and energize the emotional field from such problems as anxiety and phobia, grief and depression, addictions, anger and rage, stress and other psychological problems. The result is a restoration of emotional balance and sense of well-being.

Can Pranic Healing be used for children?

Children benefit even greater from this healing intervention than do adults. Their energy bodies are cleaner, more active and less contaminated than adults. As a result they heal much faster. In addition Pranic Healing is excellent for pets. Animals do not have the emotional and mental negativities that would inhibit the absorption of prana. Thus they are extremely responsive to healing.

Can we continue with medical treatment while taking Pranic Healing?

Yes. Pranic Healing works on the energy body and aims at balancing the energy processes of the body while the orthodox medicine deals with healing of the physical body. Therefore Pranic Healing not only does not interfere but also best complements the medical treatment. In Pranic Healing we believe in an integrated approach to healing. This means that Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine rather to complement it. So if the ailment is severe or the symptoms persist, you are highly encouraged to consult a medical doctor along with Pranic Healing therapy.

Does Pranic Healing Interfere with Karma?

There seems to be a misguided notion that Pranic Healing may interfere with one’s karma by healing the person of their suffering before it’s time. This is a topic that possibly needs a more detailed explanation. But before that, let’s first understand how karma works.

The Law of Karma states that “as you sow, so shall you reap”. This simply means that when we produce certain thoughts, words, and actions, it comes back in similar form to us in the future. If we do good, we receive good and if we cause misery, we receive misery in life. Taking this in context of illness or disease, this means that certain illnesses may be caused due to certain past negative karma.

However, this does not mean that we do nothing about it and simply suffer. Just as some past negative karma may have caused certain health issues in our lives, our past good karma entitles us to recover and get healed from the ailment. Hence, finding solutions to get rid of suffering does not interfere with the law of karma. The law of karma is like the law of gravity. When we climb a flight of stairs, we do not “interfere” or go against the law of gravity; we simply generate the necessary force to move in the opposite direction, within the confines of the law. So it is with the law of karma. If we generate sufficient force in the opposite direction (good karma), it can help us in overcoming our negative karma, while working within the law of karma.

Just as we use conventional treatment like allopathy for our treatment, we may also use some form of alternative or complementary medicine healing treatment like homoeopathy, ayurveda, acupressure, or acupuncture to get healed. None of these interfere with Karma. It is likewise with Pranic Healing.

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