May You be healed !
If you look clairvoyantly at any human being or scan his system, you’ll see a being far beyond the physical form; with a luminous energy field around, a colourful emotional body, a brilliant mental body, and even higher causal bodies.
Each body in fact has a certain function which helps us touch, feel and understand our surrounding environment with minute details. Human Chakras in this case beside controlling and energizing the vital human organs also decide the emotional and mental characteristics of every man, which can be measured and improved using fairly simple yet powerful techniques.
When the chakras are clean and strong, not only the physical internal organs will function at an optimum level, but also the psychological state of the person will also improve. This makes a person more loving, energetic, smart, creative, happy, patient, courageous, dynamic and spiritual.
With scanning you get to know the condition of your chakras and aura quite accurately. If you are experiencing any physical or psychological problems, scanning can exactly show you the energetic cause of the ailment. Most of the time when we are sick one or several chakras are affected.
Sometimes you are not sick, but your aura and chakras show imbalances. This means that in the near future, you are prone to face some problems; this is because the ailments first appear in the energy body. Scanning can therefore be used to prevent these problems from happening.